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Our products meet and generally exceed OSHA requirements and we maintain a catalog of our most popular scaffold equipment and accessories; you can request this catalog by contacting us using the information in the home page. If you prefer, you can also browse the catalog right here online!

We have various styles of frames available, each with 1.69 OD tubing. The stub spacing is either 24, 36, or 48 inches.  Various locking styles are available for your selection. We also manufacture any kinds of frames to meet your requirements and match your existing inventory. 

We stock a large number and variety of Frame scaffold accessories for your convenience. Everything from screw jacks to aluminum boards. All accessories are made to fit 1.69 OD tubing unless special ordered.

Hole cross braces and rail are used with drop-lock style studs. The straddle braces have punch hole ends and are used to span over the top of obstructions.

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